If you’d like to keep a fresh supply of up-to-date images, why not consider my photography subscription service? For a regular monthly or annual fee, I’ll provide you with a regular visit to update your photography – it may be for fresh portraits of your staff, new images around the office, or any other corporate photography you’d like to add to your image bank. This will ensure that you have a steady stream of original material for use on the web, social media, or print literature.

By agreeing to multiple photography days in advance, you’ll be making a saving on standard one-off shoot fees, as well as giving yourself a regular incentive to update your social media and web presence. You may, for example, like to arrange quarterly visits to update your staff portraiture – to photograph new staff members or refresh photos of existing staff, all in a consistent style. Or maybe just to regularly update your generic imagery for marketing purposes.

Uniquely commissioned photography featuring your staff can be a great way to show that you value your people. At the same time, by using more bespoke photography in your communications, you’ll be connecting with your existing and potential customers by giving them a window into the workings of your business.

Drop me a line or call me if you’d like further details of this service, including regularity of visits and cost savings involved.

Click Here for Rates